Naples, Italy
Naples, Italy


20th TAROT Summer School on Software Testing, Verification & Validation

30 June 2025 09:00 – 4 July 2025 17:30

TAROT (Training And Research On Testing) is a network created to foster the mobility of students, faculty members and research scientists working in the field of testing of software and communication systems. This summer school brings together lecturers, researchers, students and people from the industry across Europe for one week of presentations, discussions and getting to know each other.

The TAROT Summer School is open to researchers from any institution in the world, working in the area of testing, both from academia and industry. In particular, this year, the focus of the school will be on testing and security. 

The main goal of the TAROT Summer School is to give researchers, PhD students, and master students the opportunity to follow a number of tutorials or invited talks by key experts in the field. Also, PhD students will have their space to share and present their recent results and thesis with the community.

NERO's contribution to the event

As part of the 20th TAROT Summer School on Software Testing, Verification & Validation, NERO’s contribution is provided by Dr. Wissam Mallouli, whose role at Montimage, a NERO partner, underscores the collaboration between the two entities. Wissam will deliver a lecture on network fuzzing, a powerful technique for testing networked systems by identifying software bugs and security vulnerabilities that could impact reliability and robustness. By automatically generating and injecting malformed or unexpected inputs into network communications, network fuzzing can expose potential crashes, unexpected behaviors, or security breaches. The session will cover both theoretical concepts and practical demonstrations using the Montimage Network Fuzzer, an open-source tool designed to enhance automated testing.

More information can be found on the event official website