Cybersecurity Awareness Continues: Always #ThinkB4UClick

European CyberSecurity Month

European Cybersecurity Month is an annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organisations and providing up-to-date online security information through awareness-raising activities and sharing of good practices.

NERO's Mission Aligns with #ThinkB4UClick for Enhanced Cybersecurity Awareness

Although the campaign has ended, it's essential to remember that "risk is never-ending," so always #ThinkB4UClick!

NERO's goal of enhancing cybersecurity awareness and resilience among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aligns closely with the theme of this year's European Cybersecurity Month, #ThinkB4UClick. This campaign highlights the importance of safeguarding against social engineering, a growing trend in which scammers use tactics such as impersonation, phishing emails, and fraudulent offers to trick individuals into taking harmful online actions or revealing sensitive information.

NERO’s Cybersecurity Awareness program educates employees to recognise and counter these threats, fostering a security-first culture in SMEs. By offering resources like the Cyber Immunity Toolkit and gamified training, NERO equips SMEs to adopt effective practices. Both NERO and #ThinkB4UClick share a commitment to creating a safer online environment through knowledge-sharing and proactive defence strategies.

Here are some of the NERO's cybersecurity awareness campaigns:

Nero 1Nero 2Nero 3Nero 4Nero 5Nero 6

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