Brief Introduction
COMMpla is a software and digital services provider SME controlled by Trust-IT. COMMpla implements and develops web-based solutions and custom software covering a wide range of functionalities, e.g., eCommerce, CRM, eLearning, communication and collaboration services, and omnichannel strategies, largely focusing its attention on the most relevant areas of the EU Digital Single Market (DSM), including the areas of Cybersecurity and Privacy, the EOSC (the European Open Science Cloud), ICT Standards, Green Sustainability, Research Data Infrastructures, High-Performance Computing. COMMpla has also been instrumental in creating a set of online assets to support greater expertise in cybersecurity for SMEs such as the Cyber-range training platform in CYBERWISER.eu, the PANACEA Toolkit for healthcare organisations, the Cybersecurity Label, the GDPR Temperature Tool and Information Notices Tool in Cyberwatching.eu.
Role in NERO
COMMpla brings on board its technical experience in web development, which will contribute to the creation of the e-learning Training Platform for the training elements included in the project, in particular in ARCANA and ASTRAS.