Brief Introduction
Pole SCS (Secured Communicating Solutions), created in 2005, is a digital cluster based in the SUD region, in France, and gathers more than 300 members, including companies (and 70% of SMEs), research centres and educational institutions mainly in the fields of Microelectronics, IoT, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Security and Photonics & Imagery, applied to Health, Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, Transport & mobility (including smart vehicle) and security & defence.
Research Expertise and Strengths
Pole SCS has built a leading ecosystem with high expertise in the 5 following areas:
- Microelectronics
- IoT
- Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
- Digital Security
- Photonics & Imagery
The cluster promotes the development of competitive R&D projects between all the members with the support of local communities, to design and develop new solutions targeting high-growth markets such as IoT, smart cities, smart homes and smart buildings, smart grids, Industry 4.0, logistics and transport or e-health. It also aims to contribute to the creation of an appropriate ecosystem for the overall regional ICT landscape, especially through the development of SMEs. SCS is also offering numerous services and products to its members, including access to technologies, various platforms and expertise and is promoting digital innovation to foster growth and employment in specific growing markets.
Role in NERO
With its expertise and the cybersecurity skills and knowledge of its members, Pole SCS will contribute to several tasks like market analysis, the definition of the use cases and to the evaluation of the technologies of the cybersecurity tools. Pole SCS will also participate in the dissemination of the training courses and use cases to SMEs.