Deeptech Cyber Conference
On 11 April, the SCS cluster organised the "Deeptech Cyber Conference" at the Village By CA in Sophia Antipolis in partnership with the European project NERO.
Read the highlights from the event
Cyber risk concerns us all. The recent leak of data linked to third-party health payers reminds us of this. The objective of this Deeptech conference is to understand the major challenges of cyber, the structuring projects in the South region (new labeling by Campus Cyber France), as well as the impact of European and French regulations on players in the supply chain. value, and analysis of threats and protections/solutions implemented in different areas.
09:00 AM | Coffee reception at the Village by CA |
09:30 AM | Opening by the director of the SCS Center |
09:40 AM |
Overview of the cyber threat
10:25 AM |
Round Table | What structuring initiatives in the Southern Region and for which beneficiaries?
11:15 AM |
Responding to cyber challenges and meeting standards
11:45 AM |
Pitch Expertise to respond to cyber challenges (in order in the value chain, from the user to the secure chip)
12:25 PM | Position yourself on the workshops – SCS |
12:30 PM | Cocktail lunch and showroom* |
01:30 PM |
In parallel and of your choice
02:00 PM | B2B meeting** |
04:00 PM | End |
Confirmed Speakers
- Click here to see the list of our esteemed speakers
- Robert Breedstraet – Director Information Security, Amadeus
- Célia Nowak – Regional delegate for digital security, National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI)
- Nicolas Barbier – Expert in Innovation & Responsible Digital, In Extenso Innovation
- Frédéric Didier – Defense industry attaché in the PACA region, Directorate General of Armaments Diane Marie-Hardy – In Extenso Innovation SOUTH region
- Damien Hassko – SME Cyber Emergency Director
- Aurélien Francillon – Professor, EURECOM Daniele Antonioli – Professor, EURECOM
- François Clergeot – Development Director, Sophia-Antipolis Urban Community Jonathan Brossard – CTO, MOABI
- Nicolas Gaumé – R&D Director, MOABI
- Stanislas Verley – VP Sales & International partnerships & Co-founder, Cyberium
- Vincent Burgevin – Partnership Manager, TAS Cloud Services
- Cyprien Veyrat – VP Marketing KeeeX
- Olivier THOMAS – Founder & CTO, Texplained
- Magali Antema – Director, SOPHIA MAG
- Franck Chemin – CEO, Cyber way
- Gérard Martinez – Innovation Director, SCS Pole
- Olivier Chavrier – Director, SCS Pole
- Stéphanie Schohn – SCS Pole Ecosystem Directoratet 1.
Free event for SCS and VillageByCA members
120€ excluding tax for non-members
50% discount on participation for SCS partners (Sophia Club Entreprise, Telecom Valley, French Tech Nice cote d’azur)
* You wish to intervene during the day: fabienne.detoma@pole-scs.org
** A link to an appointment platform will be sent to each registrant 15 days before the big day